Thursday, November 8, 2007

Me? Blunt?

BLUNT: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as well be ...

Am I too blunt??

The reason I am asking is because I recently recieved opinion from three people who say that my bluntness may actually affect my journalism.

I actually think it will work in my journalism, and to be honest, I kind of took it as a compliment! I think it helps in asking hard questions and in getting to the bottom of the issue. The thing I was worried about was I never realized it was even a character trait of mine.

I always thought I was a people-pleaser, someone who sometimes skirts around the truth so as not to hurt people's feelings. But am I the exact opposite of what I thought I was?

The reason I am worried is because, even though I like the idea of being blunt, I have judged myself so wrongly.

I am not a good judge of character anyway - I always seem to trust the wrong people.

But how could I have completely misjudged such a big aspect of my character, which is so obvious to other people? There was no argument when we were discussing it, there was no denying among the three that I was blunt.

What are your opinions? Am I too blunt?

Again, to be honest, I really take it as a compliment. I hate lying and being fake so the idea of being so straightforward really appeals to me. But I just want another opinion.

I am soon going to try and write a Sydney Trip Report...but it will probably take me a while!!!

2 Stars Have Something To Say!:

princessjo1988 said...

Ahhh I would say to be blunt is a good thing MOST of the time, but there are times when to 'hold your tongue' so to speak....Ummm I have never had a problem with you and the whole bluntness thing....

And re: your comment. Yes it does happen in QLD...IT happened to me...I asked to be removed from my home when I reported the abuse and crap, but they didn't do anything...Even when my aunt went in to say she would take responsibility of me and look after me, they turned her down. I consider myself lucky annoys me that it is still happening!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy Dark-Hair Face,

Hmm, judging by the content of some of your previous blog entries, I would probably agree that you can be blunt when it comes to certain topics. And, as you said, bluntness is not necessarily a negative thing. I don't know if your blog entries, though, are written differently to the articles you write for NIT, I'd have to see some to make a conclusion if the people who've been e-mailing you about it are doing it based on your NIT writings.

On the subject of self-misjudgement, I believe (and this is something jeremy and i have had words on in the past) that there are certain aspects of your persoanlity (when I say "your" by the way, I mean generally :-P) that are probably seen a lot better by other people than by you. I think maybe that is because it's likely that you have some kind of cemented, set-in-stone type of justification for those aspects while other people have none of that, they just see those parts of you and interpret it based on themselves. It's the whole poietic-trace-esthesic thingy kind of. That is, the will of the producer versus the will of the consumer.

So, what am I trying to say?? You haven't really misjudged yourself. You just have a different idea of who you are and, being who you are, it's your right to have that idea, whatever it may be. This is just my opinion though, I'm not going to try and force my own viewpoints on you, although I just have, blah my head's starting to spinnnnnnnnn.

I think you're right though about bluntness benefitting your journalism. It's just your style and you're still a journalist so it must be working!!
