Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Beauty of Native America

The song and all the pictures are absolutely beautiful. They give an insight into the beautiful culture of the American Indians, who suffered and continue to suffer for recognition in the "most powerful nation in the world".

It looks like the USA will finally have their first African-American president in less than two weeks, but will we ever see an Indigenous American president? It's unlikely. Why aren't American Indian issues talked about widely in the election? In his Senate campaign, John McCain has been heavily involved in Senate committees on Indian issues.

But American Indian issues do not win votes, just as championing Indigenous Australian issues don't win votes (actually, oppressing Indigenous Australians usually does the trick for John Howard's election intervention into NT communities).

When I watch videos like the above it makes me so sad for all the lost cultures, languages and lives in the world.

5 Stars Have Something To Say!:

Doctor Dark said...

Nice video... it reminds me of how depressing it is to watch culture after culture get swallowed by the Father Tongue (English). Did you know that in China, parents are starting to raise their children to speak English without teaching them Chinese languages? I guess the result is going to be another race with only a vague sense of self... yeah, it makes me angry as well as resigned...

Lidia said...

Hi Chris :-)

I never knew that about China - although if they do teach english over chinese they are a bit silly because China is never going to be a fully english speaking country. I think language is an important point you touched upon - so often language is tied to culture and vice versa so to lose a language is to lose culture as well ;-)

It makes me angry too :-(

Lidia said...

Hi Chris :-)

I never knew that about China - although if they do teach english over chinese they are a bit silly because China is never going to be a fully english speaking country. I think language is an important point you touched upon - so often language is tied to culture and vice versa so to lose a language is to lose culture as well ;-)

It makes me angry too :-(

vinay said...

Hey Lidia,
nice to be back in touch with old blogger friends...and american president..hmmm...i never thought about it myself!!

Sojourner said...

Hello Amy,
I am biased in liking any way of living that has evolved in its own land. The evolution of an attuned living to one's surroundings fostered by the years. Looking at todays history books, may be after a thousand years from now, history might read something to the effect of most of the world getting under one English speaking umbrella and that thriving or may be something else... But I suppose this is now and everyone is fighting for what they believe in and what they want.
If you find the time, do answer this:
I know that I dislike it when one way of living claims to be superior and robs the other people of their choice. But what do the indigenous people want now? Their lands have been taken over, their way of living invalidated and outdated (am I right?). What do they want now?
If you have the time, I would like to discuss it further. [consider it an interview with a journalist for me and me alone with no real purpose].