Yes I have been slack at my blog lately.
To tell you just how much, here is a quote directly from my dear friend Melissa's blog:
Long time no write. Chris made that point to me extra clear when he said to Amy and I on Monday morning in Shopping Fair that her and I are becoming a bit slack with blog entries.
“I keep checking your blogs and I keep seeing ‘Creature of Habit’ and ‘Goodbye Democrats’.
Joan remarked how she is updating more regularly.
Then Chris demanded once more.
So here is your update dear Chris. Please note I just read your Yoko Ono piece and found it really interesting, but I can't really comment because I know absolutely nothing about music :-( I must say your writing style is getting better everytime I read it!
Anyway...onto the subject of this post, and one I admit I did steal from Princess Jo.

I had the misfortune of having to say good bye to this wonderful and beautiful girl last week. She is going back home to the land of maple syrup, ice hockey fans and Celine Dion.
It still hasn't sunk in frankly. Melissa has been one of my best friends since I first met her. I always remember the first day I really met her, she came up to me as we were waiting for a university orientation class and started talking about Bollywood. I am OBSESSED with Bollywood. Things led to another and we ended up having an excellent conversation!
That first term of university was one of the best times of my life. We soon made friends with Chris and Antonia and our little group was cemented. We would then go on to expand our friendship group to include people such as Kinwai, Raj and Yogi, Jo, Ana and Kat. Sadly, alot of these people I do not live anywhere near.
Most of the best memories from this time involve Melissa.
She recounts one in her blog that I couldn't have described better:
Like on of my favourite memories of when I went to Great Keppel Island with Amy. She and I were swimming in the ocean and then all of a sudden we saw our Indian friend Raj out on the beach. He looked as if he were naked. Amy and I began to freak out and plan our escape which appeared to be futile anyways because he was getting closer and closer. Luckily moments later it was discovered he was wearing flesh toned underwear. I still remember Amy’s exact words on Raj’s apparent nakedness. “The only man I want to see naked is my future husband!” I think I had the exact same sentiments. The rest of the day turned out to be awesome fun. In which I went camera happy, got sunburnt badly, (Amy apparently still feels bad about that one) and developed lasting memories and friendship.
Another great memory was when I came back from Canberra for the first time and spent basically every day at Melissa's house talking and having fun. During this time I always remember a very hilarious conversation my sister witnessed and never stopped laughing about.
MELISSA: I don't like Kirstie Alley. She has a fat vagina!
Then there were times like when we sat down in the middle of the shopping fair. For no reason at all.
We stayed out until 2 am with Ram on New Years and I remember thinking how grown up we were - staying out so late! Then the next year Melissa and I danced til 5 am and walked out to daylight! I don't think i'll be doing that anytime soon, but it was awesome fun at the time!
I remember my dreadful crush on a certain Gujarati, and Melissa's crush on Multimedia Guy.
I remember reading Melissa's stories to ease my own homesickness, because reading her stories (particularly Superheros), was like a direct link to home.
I remember travelling to Sydney and seeing her and Chris from the bus. I remember waving frantically at them and marveling at how great they looked before the Indian girl beside me told me they couldn't actually see me because the windows were tinted.
I remember our Sydney adventure, and my first ever club - Stonewall on Oxford St!
I remember random text messages and phone calls and excited hugs when I hadn't seen her for a while.
It is going to be sad that I can't see Melissa at least twice a year, but I know she is going to have an amazing future! I would never try to hold her back!
Melissa I wish you all the best in the future! We all love you to death and you are going to be badly missed!
I'll see you in Canada!
4 Stars Have Something To Say!:
Hi friend.... Nice blog....
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If you feel my blog is informative then comment there and keep in touch....
Take care....
Hey, hey you!
Nice memories: and the most fantastic girl!
Here's to her! (raises glass!)
Yay, you date-up'd! :->
Yes, at times it's inconceivable to think that there was once a period in which we were all living within a stone's throw (or a town's boundaries) of each other, but there was and from it came all these memories that are decorating several blogs years on.
(joins toast) To Mel-Dog and the sex I didn't get to have with her. :-P
[ just getting a date-up ]
Besides the parting listlessness, I hope, in general, things are nice enough :)
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