It has occured to me that I am slowly (or quickly) becoming a bit of a night owl. It has also occured to me that I am becoming more of a workaholic. It is something I definately did not think I would end up being. But funnily enough, although I love going into work (I currently work about six days a week, my choice of course), I still fall into the arms of procrastination (yes, guess what I'm doing now). So while I put in the hours, I think my productivity is actually the exact same from when I was only working five days. Is that confusing?
I also never thought I would ever become a night owl. I've always been one of those people who had to go to sleep early and wake up early. I think it is the uni lifestyle rubbing off on me.
Anyway, the reason I am writing is because I am becoming increasingly fascinated by Islam. It's not so much that I want to convert to it, I'm still pretty hung up on Buddhism, but I'm intrigued by the politics of it and how people use religion to justify their other agendas. Because that's what I believe is happening within the Islamic world right now. I've been talking to a few Muslim friends about it and from what they have told me is making me more interested. I don't think Islam justifies alot of the things that are happening right now, I think people cover up their agendas, especially political, using the shroud of religion. Of course, I really am not sure on my opinion yet. As well as talking to muslims, I am also reading about dissenting opinions within the Muslim community. I'm reading Ayaan Hirsi Ali's The Caged Virgin: A Muslim Woman's Cry For Reason. She is of course a very controversial figure but I find it really hard to judge her because she has had such a tough life. From what I have interpreted from the first few chapters, she is not saying that Islam is a bad religion, it just influences certain behaviour. I don't know - it's something I'll have to look in further.
So what else is happening with me? I decided that next year I want to go to Bangladesh, Pakistan and India. I don't know whether I'll get there but I'm definately going to try! This year I'm going to Vanuatu with my sister and cousin so I suspect I will fall in love with that place yet again. I miss it, I haven't been there for so long that I'm beginning to pine for it. For some strange reason I also want to go to Saudi Arabia, but I think I'll have to leave this country for when I'm more experienced!
Anyway, I don't really have anything else interesting to say!
MUSIC: Tanya Wells channels a South Asian legend
5 years ago
2 Stars Have Something To Say!:
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Amy, Amy, Amy. I suspect you always were a night owl, it just lay dormant in your personality to surface randomly. Night owlism and clubberism go hand in hand. Interesting development interest wise -- and Ayaan Hirsi Ali looks cool. :-P My performance studies lecture yesterday was about ethnicity and we saw footage of the Cronulla riots :-S. There was also footage of Australian-born Muslim Randa Abdel-Fattah who wrote an article I studied called "Veils and Vegemite" who pointed out the negative connotations of the word tolerance, ending her description with "you tolerate a bad smell, you don't tolerate people". Sums it just about up, right? I gotta know too, do you think being a journalist has improved your writing and writing-structuring abilities?
Hey! I'm gonna read that article - it sounds really interesting and I had never actually heard that kind of view on the word "tolerance" before. I guess alot of people would say they excercise religious tolerance but do they really? And what does this mean?
Yes - I think i probably always was a night owl :-P I suspect mabe you are as well? Especially being such an Oxford St regular :-P
I reackon being a journalist has improved my writing in several ways but also has limited my creativity. I used to think I was a creative writer but now I find it incredibly's like I'm too objective now! But oh well! We must sacrifice! I kind of want to write more like you sometimes because you are way more creative than me!
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