Sunday, February 17, 2008

Took the children away

Here is a great song by Archie Roach. I thought it was timely considering the whirl wind of a week for Indigenous Australia:

And now I have another question - is it possible to be with someone you have absolutely nothing in common with? Especially when it comes to political leanings?

I have a friend who's mother is Aboriginal and naturally a lefty but is married to a white righty. Lovely people, both of them and they seem to get a long fine but they do clash on a lot of things, especially on Indigenous issues. They seem to work. But I've just been thinking that I wouldn't be able to do it.

I think if two people in a relationship are so obviously in opposition to each other in regards to issues that are close to the heart, then there really is no point continuing.

I didn't really want to come to that conclusion but it is only logical.

But anyway, that's enough badly veiled ambiguity for today's entry!

2 Stars Have Something To Say!:

Mayur said...

Yes Lidia
It is possible here in is a total multi cultural environment here -i'm sure you know :)
and believe me it is tough indeed to put up with them as you rightly think but you kinda get used to it..

princessjo1988 said...

Ahhh yes Amy, but the heart is rarely logical! Justin and I disagree on lots of things all the time: it does not doom our relationship, but instead makes it a hell of a lot more fun!! Trust me: it would be very boring to agree all the time!
